Safe Guarding in Village Halls
Keeping individuals safe in our village halls.
WERN, supported by ACRE, are working on a programme to promote safeguarding in the voluntary sector, a key priority of the Charity Commission. We are working to raise awareness of measures that can be taken by Trustees and Managers of Village Halls and Community Buildings to protect individuals from harm.
Paul Dixon from ACRE Rural Evidence Manager said: “We want volunteers managing village halls to understand they have an important part to play in creating safe spaces for members of their community, especially when it comes to protecting younger or more vulnerable rural people. Across the network, we are highlighting the importance of having safeguarding policies and procedures in place, how everyone has a responsibility to look out for others, and where to find help”
As part of the programme, we will be running short workshops for Hall Trustees and Managers early in 2021.
The contact for this is Dick.